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Leitplanken für eine gelingende Symbiose: Deutscher Musikrat positioniert sich zu „Künstliche Intelligenz und Musik – Hilfe oder Konkurrenz?“

Leitplanken für eine gelingende Symbiose: Deutscher Musikrat positioniert sich zu „Künstliche Intelligenz und Musik – Hilfe oder Konkurrenz?“

Bonn, 25.10.2023 (lifePR) – Welche Auswirkungen haben die Entwicklungen im Bereich Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) auf das Produzieren und Erleben von Musik? Die Fachtagung des Deutschen Musikrates „KI und Musik – Hilfe oder Konkurrenz?“ am 20. Oktober 2023 in Berlin bot für Fragen wie diese eine verbändeübergreifende Plattform. Im Fokus der Impulsvorträge und Diskussionen standen u.a. die Zukunft der Kultur- und Wirtschaftspolitik sowie das Urheberrecht. Flankiert wurden die Debatten von Praxisbeispielen, die Einblicke in die Bandbreite des aktuellen musikalischen Schaffens mit KI ermöglichten. Die Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse der Fachtagung wurden in einem „Living Paper“ konkretisiert, das im vereinsrechtlichen Teil der DMR Mitgliederversammlung am 21. Oktober 2023 verabschiedet wurde.

Hierzu Prof. Christian Höppner, Generalsekretär des Deutschen Musikrates: „Das kreativ schaffende Individuum und die Möglichkeiten der Künstlichen Intelligenz – dieses neue Spannungsfeld mit all seinen Potenzialen und Gefahren wurde bei der Fachtagung zu KI und Musik aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet. Ich freue mich sehr, dass mit dem gemeinschaftlich erarbeiteten und beschlossenen ‚Living Paper‘ nun eine erste Positionierung des Deutschen Musikrates zu diesem zentralen und zukunftsweisenden Thema vorliegt. Sie gibt für die weitere musikpolitische Arbeit des Deutschen Musikrates zum Thema KI und Musik wertvolle Leitlinien und Impulse. Ein herzlicher Dank geht an alle, die an der Fachtagung beteiligt waren – auf dem Podium ebenso wie im Publikum –, für den konstruktiven Austausch und die große Offenheit und Bereitschaft zum gemeinsamen Erleben und Lernen.“

Etwa 160 Besucher:innen kamen für den KI-Kongress in Berlin zusammen. Der Tag wurde von A.C. Coppens moderiert. In den Modulen waren u.a. Marco-Alexander Breit (Leiter der Abteilung „Künstliche Intelligenz, Daten und Digitale Technologien“ des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums), Olaf Zimmermann (Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Kulturrates), Michael Duderstädt (Direktor Politische Kommunikation der GEMA), Dr. Tilo Gerlach (Geschäftsführer der GVL), René Houareau (Geschäftsführer Recht & Politik des BVMI) und Matthias Hornschuh (Sprecher der Kreativen – Initiative Urheberrecht) zu erleben. Impulse kamen ebenso von Komponist:innen, Sounddesignern und Musiker:innen sowie aus dem Orchester- und Konzerthausbereich. Die Tagung wurde künstlerisch abgerundet durch eine Listening Session mit Johannes Motschmann.

Die Fachtagung, die mit Unterstützung der GEMA und der GVL stattfand, wurde live gestreamt. Die Aufnahme ist auf dem YouTube-Kanal des Deutschen Musikrates abrufbar.

Das ganze Living Paper zum Download finden Sie hier.

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Germany, 24.10.2023 (lifePR) – Right now, a positive energy-charged new song by Judith Wendtland, titled "Blood Willow," has made its debut in both German and English versions. This harmonizing composition unites languages and carries a profound message of harmony, understanding, and unity, transcending geographical boundaries and resonating with the shared human experience.

At its core, the song encapsulates a single theme: "Peace." With this sentiment, Judith Wendtland invites her listeners, whether in her homeland or across the world, to embrace and propagate this message of serenity. "Peace. Sing and amplify this message throughout the world," she ardently implores. Through the dual renditions of "Blutweide" and "Blood Willow," the composition serves as a tribute to the ceaseless struggles against violence and conflict. It also poses a thought-provoking question: Should the Blood Willow stand eternally, a testament to perpetual human strife, or should it mercifully fade away, symbolizing an end to hostility?

In the verses lies a challenge. Judith Wendtland calls upon her audience to halt the cycle of aggression and hate that has marred history. She asserts, "Individuals cannot ascend while the world remains enmeshed in enmity and warfare." The lyrical narrative woven through her music explores existential questions, daring to contemplate existence beyond the material realm – from minerals to plants, animals to humans, transcending even the divine and the boundless.

Her message is bold yet indispensable: The impact of each individual upon the collective is the catalyst for transformation. The uncertain future, a realm born of present endeavors, beckons for change. Judith Wendtland, far from being a detached philosopher, is a singer-songwriter deeply rooted in Christianity. Through her verses, she encourages introspection and inspires through her tranquil yet commanding performances.

Whether conveyed in German or English, her melodies converge on a shared truth: A world driven by violence is unsustainable. The existence of the Blood Willow evolves into a metaphor for humanity’s reckoning.

In a concluding statement, it is proclaimed, "Perhaps we eternally spin within in a holographic-fractal universe… Yet, the voice of peace will persist – that of Judith Wendtland!" Her voice resonates as a refrain of hope and unity, echoing through time.

The publication is now available for download in all known online stores.

For more information visit Facebook and 

SCRUTCH – Where Vibes And Lyrics Come Together!

Introducing a novel term into the musical lexicon, SCRUTCH effortlessly interweaves the essence of


This label provides a platform for artists with raw, textured voices set against rhythmic backdrops. Music, as a transformative force, becomes a crutch for both artists and audiences, guiding them toward uncharted territories. Their portfolio traverses the spectrum of modern and traditional melodies, with lyrics ranging from light-hearted to profound.

Driven by collaboration, SCRUTCH draws strength from a network of adept specialists in production, marketing, and sales. Partnering with experienced professionals, the label embraces contemporary distribution channels, ensuring that music is universally accessible. 

press contact:
Postfach 2103
24511 Neumuenster

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Germany, 24.10.2023 (lifePR) – Right now, a positive energy-charged new song by Judith Wendtland, titled "Blood Willow," has made its debut in both German and English versions. This harmonizing composition unites languages and carries a profound message of harmony, understanding, and unity, transcending geographical boundaries and resonating with the shared human experience.

At its core, the song encapsulates a single theme: "Peace." With this sentiment, Judith Wendtland invites her listeners, whether in her homeland or across the world, to embrace and propagate this message of serenity. "Peace. Sing and amplify this message throughout the world," she ardently implores. Through the dual renditions of "Blutweide" and "Blood Willow," the composition serves as a tribute to the ceaseless struggles against violence and conflict. It also poses a thought-provoking question: Should the Blood Willow stand eternally, a testament to perpetual human strife, or should it mercifully fade away, symbolizing an end to hostility?

In the verses lies a challenge. Judith Wendtland calls upon her audience to halt the cycle of aggression and hate that has marred history. She asserts, "Individuals cannot ascend while the world remains enmeshed in enmity and warfare." The lyrical narrative woven through her music explores existential questions, daring to contemplate existence beyond the material realm – from minerals to plants, animals to humans, transcending even the divine and the boundless.

Her message is bold yet indispensable: The impact of each individual upon the collective is the catalyst for transformation. The uncertain future, a realm born of present endeavors, beckons for change. Judith Wendtland, far from being a detached philosopher, is a singer-songwriter deeply rooted in Christianity. Through her verses, she encourages introspection and inspires through her tranquil yet commanding performances.

Whether conveyed in German or English, her melodies converge on a shared truth: A world driven by violence is unsustainable. The existence of the Blood Willow evolves into a metaphor for humanity’s reckoning.

In a concluding statement, it is proclaimed, "Perhaps we eternally spin within in a holographic-fractal universe… Yet, the voice of peace will persist – that of Judith Wendtland!" Her voice resonates as a refrain of hope and unity, echoing through time.

The publication is now available for download in all known online stores.

For more information visit Facebook and 

SCRUTCH – Where Vibes And Lyrics Come Together!

Introducing a novel term into the musical lexicon, SCRUTCH effortlessly interweaves the essence of


This label provides a platform for artists with raw, textured voices set against rhythmic backdrops. Music, as a transformative force, becomes a crutch for both artists and audiences, guiding them toward uncharted territories. Their portfolio traverses the spectrum of modern and traditional melodies, with lyrics ranging from light-hearted to profound.

Driven by collaboration, SCRUTCH draws strength from a network of adept specialists in production, marketing, and sales. Partnering with experienced professionals, the label embraces contemporary distribution channels, ensuring that music is universally accessible. 

press contact:
Postfach 2103
24511 Neumuenster

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Germany, 24.10.2023 (lifePR) – Right now, a positive energy-charged new song by Judith Wendtland, titled "Blood Willow," has made its debut in both German and English versions. This harmonizing composition unites languages and carries a profound message of harmony, understanding, and unity, transcending geographical boundaries and resonating with the shared human experience.

At its core, the song encapsulates a single theme: "Peace." With this sentiment, Judith Wendtland invites her listeners, whether in her homeland or across the world, to embrace and propagate this message of serenity. "Peace. Sing and amplify this message throughout the world," she ardently implores. Through the dual renditions of "Blutweide" and "Blood Willow," the composition serves as a tribute to the ceaseless struggles against violence and conflict. It also poses a thought-provoking question: Should the Blood Willow stand eternally, a testament to perpetual human strife, or should it mercifully fade away, symbolizing an end to hostility?

In the verses lies a challenge. Judith Wendtland calls upon her audience to halt the cycle of aggression and hate that has marred history. She asserts, "Individuals cannot ascend while the world remains enmeshed in enmity and warfare." The lyrical narrative woven through her music explores existential questions, daring to contemplate existence beyond the material realm – from minerals to plants, animals to humans, transcending even the divine and the boundless.

Her message is bold yet indispensable: The impact of each individual upon the collective is the catalyst for transformation. The uncertain future, a realm born of present endeavors, beckons for change. Judith Wendtland, far from being a detached philosopher, is a singer-songwriter deeply rooted in Christianity. Through her verses, she encourages introspection and inspires through her tranquil yet commanding performances.

Whether conveyed in German or English, her melodies converge on a shared truth: A world driven by violence is unsustainable. The existence of the Blood Willow evolves into a metaphor for humanity’s reckoning.

In a concluding statement, it is proclaimed, "Perhaps we eternally spin within in a holographic-fractal universe… Yet, the voice of peace will persist – that of Judith Wendtland!" Her voice resonates as a refrain of hope and unity, echoing through time.

The publication is now available for download in all known online stores.

For more information visit Facebook and 

SCRUTCH – Where Vibes And Lyrics Come Together!

Introducing a novel term into the musical lexicon, SCRUTCH effortlessly interweaves the essence of


This label provides a platform for artists with raw, textured voices set against rhythmic backdrops. Music, as a transformative force, becomes a crutch for both artists and audiences, guiding them toward uncharted territories. Their portfolio traverses the spectrum of modern and traditional melodies, with lyrics ranging from light-hearted to profound.

Driven by collaboration, SCRUTCH draws strength from a network of adept specialists in production, marketing, and sales. Partnering with experienced professionals, the label embraces contemporary distribution channels, ensuring that music is universally accessible. 

press contact:
Postfach 2103
24511 Neumuenster

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Germany, 24.10.2023 (lifePR) – Right now, a positive energy-charged new song by Judith Wendtland, titled "Blood Willow," has made its debut in both German and English versions. This harmonizing composition unites languages and carries a profound message of harmony, understanding, and unity, transcending geographical boundaries and resonating with the shared human experience.

At its core, the song encapsulates a single theme: "Peace." With this sentiment, Judith Wendtland invites her listeners, whether in her homeland or across the world, to embrace and propagate this message of serenity. "Peace. Sing and amplify this message throughout the world," she ardently implores. Through the dual renditions of "Blutweide" and "Blood Willow," the composition serves as a tribute to the ceaseless struggles against violence and conflict. It also poses a thought-provoking question: Should the Blood Willow stand eternally, a testament to perpetual human strife, or should it mercifully fade away, symbolizing an end to hostility?

In the verses lies a challenge. Judith Wendtland calls upon her audience to halt the cycle of aggression and hate that has marred history. She asserts, "Individuals cannot ascend while the world remains enmeshed in enmity and warfare." The lyrical narrative woven through her music explores existential questions, daring to contemplate existence beyond the material realm – from minerals to plants, animals to humans, transcending even the divine and the boundless.

Her message is bold yet indispensable: The impact of each individual upon the collective is the catalyst for transformation. The uncertain future, a realm born of present endeavors, beckons for change. Judith Wendtland, far from being a detached philosopher, is a singer-songwriter deeply rooted in Christianity. Through her verses, she encourages introspection and inspires through her tranquil yet commanding performances.

Whether conveyed in German or English, her melodies converge on a shared truth: A world driven by violence is unsustainable. The existence of the Blood Willow evolves into a metaphor for humanity’s reckoning.

In a concluding statement, it is proclaimed, "Perhaps we eternally spin within in a holographic-fractal universe… Yet, the voice of peace will persist – that of Judith Wendtland!" Her voice resonates as a refrain of hope and unity, echoing through time.

The publication is now available for download in all known online stores.

For more information visit Facebook and 

SCRUTCH – Where Vibes And Lyrics Come Together!

Introducing a novel term into the musical lexicon, SCRUTCH effortlessly interweaves the essence of


This label provides a platform for artists with raw, textured voices set against rhythmic backdrops. Music, as a transformative force, becomes a crutch for both artists and audiences, guiding them toward uncharted territories. Their portfolio traverses the spectrum of modern and traditional melodies, with lyrics ranging from light-hearted to profound.

Driven by collaboration, SCRUTCH draws strength from a network of adept specialists in production, marketing, and sales. Partnering with experienced professionals, the label embraces contemporary distribution channels, ensuring that music is universally accessible. 

press contact:
Postfach 2103
24511 Neumuenster

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Judith Wendtland’s New Song, „Blood Willow,“ Spreads a Message of Peace

Germany, 24.10.2023 (lifePR) – Right now, a positive energy-charged new song by Judith Wendtland, titled "Blood Willow," has made its debut in both German and English versions. This harmonizing composition unites languages and carries a profound message of harmony, understanding, and unity, transcending geographical boundaries and resonating with the shared human experience.

At its core, the song encapsulates a single theme: "Peace." With this sentiment, Judith Wendtland invites her listeners, whether in her homeland or across the world, to embrace and propagate this message of serenity. "Peace. Sing and amplify this message throughout the world," she ardently implores. Through the dual renditions of "Blutweide" and "Blood Willow," the composition serves as a tribute to the ceaseless struggles against violence and conflict. It also poses a thought-provoking question: Should the Blood Willow stand eternally, a testament to perpetual human strife, or should it mercifully fade away, symbolizing an end to hostility?

In the verses lies a challenge. Judith Wendtland calls upon her audience to halt the cycle of aggression and hate that has marred history. She asserts, "Individuals cannot ascend while the world remains enmeshed in enmity and warfare." The lyrical narrative woven through her music explores existential questions, daring to contemplate existence beyond the material realm – from minerals to plants, animals to humans, transcending even the divine and the boundless.

Her message is bold yet indispensable: The impact of each individual upon the collective is the catalyst for transformation. The uncertain future, a realm born of present endeavors, beckons for change. Judith Wendtland, far from being a detached philosopher, is a singer-songwriter deeply rooted in Christianity. Through her verses, she encourages introspection and inspires through her tranquil yet commanding performances.

Whether conveyed in German or English, her melodies converge on a shared truth: A world driven by violence is unsustainable. The existence of the Blood Willow evolves into a metaphor for humanity’s reckoning.

In a concluding statement, it is proclaimed, "Perhaps we eternally spin within in a holographic-fractal universe… Yet, the voice of peace will persist – that of Judith Wendtland!" Her voice resonates as a refrain of hope and unity, echoing through time.

The publication is now available for download in all known online stores.

For more information visit Facebook and 

SCRUTCH – Where Vibes And Lyrics Come Together!

Introducing a novel term into the musical lexicon, SCRUTCH effortlessly interweaves the essence of


This label provides a platform for artists with raw, textured voices set against rhythmic backdrops. Music, as a transformative force, becomes a crutch for both artists and audiences, guiding them toward uncharted territories. Their portfolio traverses the spectrum of modern and traditional melodies, with lyrics ranging from light-hearted to profound.

Driven by collaboration, SCRUTCH draws strength from a network of adept specialists in production, marketing, and sales. Partnering with experienced professionals, the label embraces contemporary distribution channels, ensuring that music is universally accessible. 

press contact:
Postfach 2103
24511 Neumuenster